5 Best Home Remedies For Treating Itchy Dry Scalp

Suffering from itchy, dry scalp and are looking for how to cure dry scalp with natural remedies? Such irritations can happen when your scalp stops producing natural oils, and further cause flaking, itching, dryness, and irritation. There are various reasons why this can happen including dry air, frequent shampooing, and further serious underlying problems and diseases like eczema. It is not possible to always have control over all the root causes of your scalp related worries, but you always have the option to find out ways to cure them.


Even though it is essential to go through hair treatments once in a while with the help of professional beauticians, all-natural and cash-saving treatments work wonders for you on a daily basis. There are various plant-based ingredients that can bring major relief to an itchy scalp. You would be surprised to know that there are various ingredients in your pantry that can treat your dry scalp with care.


Causes Of Dry Scalp:

There are various reasons that can make your scalps go dry. Some of the medical reasons that cause dry scalp are:

  • Eczema
  • Allergies
  • Psoriasis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Heating hair products

How To Cure Dry And Flaky Scalp Using These Home Remedies:

Here are a few natural ingredients that can help you cure your dry scalp:

1. Jojoba Oil:

Oil extracted from the Jojoba nut is super hydrating for dry scalp and it also essentially nourishes the hair. How to use it properly? Add a few drops of the oil into your everyday use shampoo and rinse it off after a healthy massage. Try this remedy every time you wash your hair to get relief from the itching and dryness.

2. Bananas:

Did you know that bananas, which are a staple in your pantry, is extremely hydrating for dry and itchy scalp. You can also cure scalp inflammation and dry flakes with bananas. Rich in antioxidants, the yellow fruit keeps skin cells of the scalp healthy and also conditions the hair. The usage procedure is simple mash two bananas with one avocado and apply on the areas affected. Leave the applied paste on your hair for 30 minutes and rinse it off with cold water. You can use this remedy daily, until the dryness of your scalp goes away.

3. Avocado:

Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids and Vitamin A and B in them, these nutrients are highly beneficial for moisturizing the scalp. For the best use of this ingredient, use half an avocado, two tsp olive oil, one quarter cup aloe gel, and half a banana. Apply this paste to your scalp. Keep hair covered with a shower cap for 30 minutes and rinse off as normal.

4. Witch Hazel:

Witch hazel acts as an effective astringent that’s anti-inflammatory. For best use, mix one part of the ingredient with two parts jojoba oil or coconut oil. Massage the oil solution into your scalp or affected area. Leave on for few minutes before rinsing. This can effectively tackle the problem.

5. Tea Tree Oil:

Or, try this remedy before bedtime if the smell of tea tree oil is too strong for you.

Tea tree oil is very useful for treating dry scalp because of its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. It unlike the other remedies is quite a popular remedy and is commonly used in or with shampoos for dry hair and dandruff. You can also use it effectively with any carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil. Massage the oil gently to the roots of the hair and scalp and wash it off after 30 minutes or 1 hour.

You can try any of the above-mentioned remedies to treat uncomfortable or irritated and dry scalp. Apart from these, cut down on sugar or carb intake while increasing your Omega-3 intake.

If the problems still continue to bother you it always better to go to a salon and get proper hair treatments by professionals. Bubbles Hair and Beauty Salon expertises in treating dry frizzy and rough hair and irritated scalp related problems. Reach out to us with your problems at https://www.bubblesindia.com/book-an-appointment/ .

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